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On the First Week of Daycare

I have a nice job making a decent amount over minimum wage. Did you know that putting two children in daycare would take up almost my entire paycheck? Childcare costs in this country can be insane, especially when facing them…


Relactation Guide

DISCLAIMER: I am not a medical professional. Consult your physician prior to taking any new medicine or herbal supplements. This guide was created based on my own personal experience relactating for my twins. In honor of how much milk i…


Relactation Report!

I am super happy to report that 2.5 weeks into relactation, yesterday my total for the day was 2.25 ounces!!!That is a really big deal!I started 2.5 weeks ago with drops that wouldn’t even…


Adventures in Relactation: The First Drop!

The day after I returned to TN, I started the painful, tedious, insane process that is relactation. Why? Because I truly believe that breast is best, especially coming into the winter months where my poor babes have already fallen sick…


Practice Safe Co-Sleeping!

Tonight is the first night since my girls were born (except for my 3 week “vacay” in NYC) that they have not slept in bed with me :(Sadly, my 27inchers are just too big to sleep comfortably and safely in…


The West Village Carrier of Choice

I currently live in the West Village, a neighborhood that is family heavy, particularly the blocks surrounded mine.On a typical day I see no less than 6 babywearers (yes, I do take count!) and it became instantly clear that…


Bag Slings are Bad Slings :(

First I want to start off by saying that if you have worn your baby in a bag sling without knowledge of the dangers, you are not a bad parent!It is not necessarily common knowledge that bag slings are…


Crotch Danglers are NOT Evil!

That’s right, I said it. Crotch Danglers are NOT evil!There is a lot of talk in the mommy-verse on the dangers of crotch danglers, and I have seen many a mama bashed on websites like Babycenter for…